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Orders, management, change of E-mail, tariff or owner

Orders and management

Orders include all services, as well as domains ordered and displayed on the page:
At the moment, the list of services includes:
  1. Domain registration in zones: ru, rf, su, com, net, org, biz, info
  2. Chat hosting MPCHAT
  3. Radio Hosting MyRadio24
  4. PHP hosting for websites
On the same page, you can manage your orders, for example, you can change the tariff .
You can also change contact details for domains, change E-mail and transfer the order to another owner.

Change of E-mail, tariff or owner

Who is the owner of the order?

The owner of the order is only the one in whose account the order is located. You are the owner if you see an order in your name at: . If you own passwords or pay for an order, you are not the owner of the order.

How to change the owner of an order?

To change the owner, you need to click on the data next to the order on the orders page and start the order transfer procedure. The new owner of the order must already be in the system. By submitting an application for the transfer of an order, you will receive a code, this code must be transferred to the new owner who, on the page , will accept the order using it. After that, the order transfer procedure will be fully completed and you will no longer be the owner. Important!!! Please note that in the case of transferring ru, rf and su domains, it is necessary to re-register the domain with the registrar, and when transferring domains from other zones, the new owner, after accepting the order, must change the domain data to their own . In addition, the new owner must change the main E-mail of the order , more details below.

How to change the e-mail of the order?

Each order contains in the data the main E-mail of the order. You can change this E-mail by clicking on the data in the orders section:
Important!!! Please note that you can recover the password from the order to the main E-mail and thereby gain access to the order management. If you also need to change the E-mail for your account , then you can do this in the settings:

How to change MPCHAT Admin E-mail correctly?

There is a situation when access to the chat control panel is lost and in order to restore it is necessary to change the main E-mail address. This can be done by logging into WebFTP through the Webserv24 panel. Open the config file located in the chat folder data/config.sys and find the old E-mail there next to the word adminemail . Carefully change the E-mail without breaking the file format, leaving the quotes as is. That's it, now you can recover the password for a new E-mail.

How is the tariff change?

You can change the tariff in the data section on the orders page . Just select a new plan and click change . If the tariff change is successful, the renewal date will be automatically recalculated based on the balance of the paid period. In the event of a tariff reduction, the system will write off the commission by subtracting one paid day .

Do you still have questions?

Write to us via the contact form.