set("buffering.kind","raw") set("log.file", true) def my_input(url) = mksafe(input.хттп(buffer=5., max=20., url)); #с или без перезаписи buffer/max одна и та же проблема end def outputs(name, mount, input) = output.icecast( %mp3(bitrate=32, samplerate=22050, stereo=false), ****** mean(input)) output.icecast( %mp3(bitrate=64,samplerate=44100,stereo=true), ****** input) output.icecast( %mp3(bitrate=128,samplerate=44100,stereo=true), ****** input) end url = "хттп://localhost:8000/radio1" input = my_input(url) outputs("Radio1", "radio1", input) #.............. url = "хттп://localhost:8000/radio40" input = my_input(url) outputs("Radio40", "radio40", input)
2015/07/24 11:36:56 [:3] Buffer overrun: Dropping 0.03s. 2015/07/24 11:36:56 [:3] Buffer overrun: Dropping 0.04s. 2015/07/24 11:36:56 [:3] Buffer overrun: Dropping 0.03s. 2015/07/24 11:36:56 [:3] Buffer overrun: Dropping 0.02s. 2015/07/24 11:36:56 [:3] Buffer overrun: Dropping 0.03s. 2015/07/24 11:36:56 [:3] Buffer overrun: Dropping 0.03s. 2015/07/24 11:36:56 [:3] Buffer overrun: Dropping 0.03s. 2015/07/24 11:36:56 [:3] Buffer overrun: Dropping 0.03s. 2015/07/24 11:36:56 [:3] Buffer overrun: Dropping 0.03s. 2015/07/24 11:36:56 [:3] Buffer overrun: Dropping 0.03s.
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I wonder if your system experiences CPU usage spikes from cron jobs or something similar that causes Liquidsoap to fall behind. Are the times when this problem happens consistent? Try setting the the CPU priority of Liquidsoap to the max and see if that helps: to find pid: "ps aux | grep liq: to set priority: renice -n -19 -p <pid>
liquidsoap --help